Hands and Feet Ministry
Hands & Feet Ministry is a small group of people working together to be the hands and feet of Jesus in a practical way. Twice each month we go out into the streets of our community and feed those less fortunate than most of us.
We also look for ways to fill the needs of the people we meet and reach out wherever we can! How can you help? What are you called to do?
There are many needs and many ways you can help.
Pray for us! We appreciate all prayer support and prayer for open doors to share Christ and show love in practical ways.
Serve with us! We meet the first and third Sunday of the month to serve food and meet people. Check out our Facebook Page for updates.
Pack lunches! We pre-assemble around 75 bagged lunches to hand out for those who may need another meal for the week.
Make soup! During the winters months, homemade soup is a treat for someone living on the streets. Use your cooking skills for Christ!
Donate food items! A sign-up sheet below lists the ongoing opportunities for donated items that are needed.
Donate clothing and hygiene items! We post a list of needed items on our Facebook Page. Needs often change with the seasons.
Thank you for helping us be His Hands and Feet!
Supply Donations
We are happy you have decided to hop in here and join us in this ministry. We need folks like you to help us with the food supplies we take out on a monthly basis. We go to the streets of Harrisburg twice each month. In the cooler temps we take hot soup, while in the warmer temps we grill hot dogs and enjoy the people who God brings our way!
To see the needed items and donate, just click on the link to SignUp.com below!